Some new updates have started rolling out to WhatsApp and you will only get it if you meet some of the criteria. That is because some of the updates are applicable to European users only while the others are for iPhone users.
For the first part, Europeans will now be asked to confirm that they are at least, 16years of age before they are allowed to create a WhatsApp account. That is coming on the back of newly updated privacy policies of the online messaging platform in the said region.
Asides that, WhatsApp has now included a new Picture-in-Picture mode to the app for iPhones. This service is supporting two platforms at the moment, and they are unsurprisingly Facebook and Instagram.
What that means is that when an iPhone user gets a video link from any of the websites mentioned, they will be able to play it right within their WhatsApp account without having to enter the other app. The best part is that they can even navigate to other chats and share their impressions, all while still watching the video.
Besides that, Admin rights have also been tweaked. An admin can now dismiss other users as admin and can also designate who in a group can edit the group icon/ change the group name. Even at these, there are more tweaks to uncover.
If you will be getting the updates, be ready for more improvements and bug fixes than you could have hoped for.