Kuda – which started in 2016 as Kudimoney – has dedicated a fund to the help of those who cannot afford food and basic supplies during this lockdown brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This startup which began as a lending platform grew into a digital bank when they got their licensing from the CBN in June 2019. That was also when they underwent the rebranding that sees them take position as the first and only full-stack/ mobile first bank in Nigeria too.
The company has started the fund with US$1,300 from its own pockets which has been sent to the Lagos Food Bank initiative. The latter is a non-profit organization that aims to make food available in the state for free or highly subsidized prices too.
The CEO of the bank, Babs Ogundeyi, has also called on the public to make donations to the relief fund so that more help can be provided to those in need at these times. The partnership with the food bank in Lagos will also make things more transparent for the company and public at large.
If you want to help out too, please head over to their official website/ social media channels to see how you can do so.
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