Telegram – the fast-growing instant messaging platform – has been taken off the Apple Store for now. This was noticed by the guys over at 9to5Mac yesterday, and they have since taken to Reddit to create a thread on that.
Apparently, the application has fallen into the bad books of Apple and would remain unavailable till they fix it.
Currently, searches on the application would yield other instant messaging options such as Viber, WeChat and Skype. What is most intriguing is that even the Telegram X – which the company promises might or might not replace the initial build of the application – has been taken off the Apple store too. This is coming a day after the latter development application was announced for Android users.
There is no concrete reason as to why the application was taken off the app store. However, the founder of the Telegram app, Pavel Durov, responded to a Twitter user yesterday that it was on the back of ‘inappropriate content.’
In his reply, he wrote back that
We were alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to our users and both apps were taken off the App store. Once we have protections in place, we expect the apps to be back on the App store.
To ensure best practices, Apple already has a template in place for those who would want their apps displayed on the Appstore.
One that particularly applies to instant messaging platforms like Telegram dictates that the platform have a method for disallowing objectionable materials from showing up on its app. Also, it asks for a mechanism to report offensive content that might have been missed by this filter, and a service that allows users block such abusive persons.
Taking down a major application such as Telegram is a show that Apple cares or about its users, and that would be a good note to fall back on.